A comprehensive study analysing the narratives of women’s movements in Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Myanmar and Nigeria with a focus on the extent to which the specific vulnerabilities and situations of women from religious minorities feature. This will inform the structure for a book series written by women from religious minorities and a subsequent advocacy campaign.
The initiative aims to open spaces for women from religious minorities to advocate for themselves and to ensure development policies and programmes are sensitive to the relationship between poverty, gender and belonging to a religious minority which is persecuted.
- Meetings at IDS with 20 female writers to collectively design the research methodology and contextual questions, and in a second meeting to jointly finalise chapters for an online interactive book series.
- An advocacy campaign will including producing a policy brief, a special issue peer-reviewed journal and will target platforms such as the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).
- An interactive website/book with chapters for each programme country, written by women from religious minorities representative of each country’s respective demographic, and by a representative from a mainstream feminist organisation for each country.
- Policy brief based upon the above evidence from which international advocacy work will be launched.
- Research uptake events with the theme of social justice in or around the programme countries.
- A four day writing workshop at IDS.
- International influence and advocacy activities (including engagement with UN agencies and other international bodies to increase the visibility and representation of women from religious minorities on these platforms).