Please join CREID partners, His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos and Refcemi, at this hybrid (face-to-face and online) roundtable on the need to collect and preserve evidence of atrocities.
On 24 March, the UN marks the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims. It is a day designated to honour the memory of victims of gross and systematic human
rights violations and promote the importance of the right to truth and justice.
Getting to the bottom of the truth is the only way that justice can be achieved. Recent years have seen the creation of several mechanisms for collection and preservation of evidence concerning gross human rights violations.
The session will explore some of these mechanisms and engage with the question of what else needs to be done to protect the right to truth.
Times and Location
14:00 – 16:00 (BST) online and at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, London SW1P 3EE
- Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London, Founder and Director of Refcemi
- Dr Ewelina Ochab, Deputy Director of Refcemi, IBAHRI programme lawyer
- Bishop Philip, Bishop of Truro, author of the Independent Review into the FCDO’s responses to persecution of
Christians - Aarif Abraham, Barrister at Garden Court North Chambers
- David Campanale, award winning journalist, Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson, Sutton & Cheam
- With additional speakers to be announced
The panel will be moderated by Dr Ewelina Ochab.