The Coalition for Religious Equality and Inclusive Development (CREID) will be sharing its findings and launch new publications at a number of events and exhibition spaces taking place during the International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief, which is hosted this year by the UK.

Sign up to our parliamentary events (5 July)
- Interfaith approaches to building communities – Al Khoei Foundation will be sharing experiences from Iraq, Pakistan and the UK – WE ARE IN THE BOOTHROYD ROOM
- Hate speech and freedom of religion or belief – Minority Rights Group will be launching their new toolkit on countering hate speech levelled at religious communities – WE ARE IN THE THATCHER ROOM
- Women and religious freedom – POSTPONED due to a scheduling clash
Our parliamentary events will take place on Tuesday 5th July 2022. They are free and accessible to anyone who registers to attend.
Attending the International Ministerial Conference on FoRB?
Please come to our Civil Society Fringe Sessions
- Dealing with the blind spots: why are religious dynamics glaringly absent from global development practice? – 09:30 – 10:00, Tuesday 5th July
Speakers include Professor Mariz Tadros (CREID/Institute of Development Studies), Dr Jo Howard (Institute of Development Studies), Dr Rebecca Shah (Religion and Economic Empowerment Project (REEP) and Dr Judd Birdsall (Transatlantic Policy Network on Religion and Diplomacy (TPNRD)/Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs) - An uncomfortable truth? Religious diversity in humanitarian settings – 10:30 – 11:00, Wednesday 6th July
Speakers include Professor Mariz Tadros (CREID/Institute of Development Studies), Dr Jennifer Philippa Eggert (Joint Learning Initiative Faith & Local Communities / Centre for Religion and Public Life, University of Leeds), Maryam Kanwer (CREID/Al Khoei Foundation) and Jeremy Barker (Religious Freedom Institute)
This sessions will only be open to Summit and Civil Society delegates attending the events on 5th and 6th July at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre. We will be recording them, however, and sharing them online. Please ensure you are subscribed to the CREID newsletter (managed by the Institute of Development Studies) to receive your copy of the recordings.
Breaking the hate chain – check out our interactive installation
CREID partner, Minority Rights Group, will be creating an installation consisting of 3-5 depictions of chains of processes/events beginning with a thought in someone’s head and ending in real work hostility, violence or discrimination against a religious (normally minority) community (including those of no faith). The chains will originate in contexts where hate speech is prevalent and may be drawn by an artist/activist from that context or where that is not possible, the ideas from that context will be converted into a chain depiction by our team.
Part of the formal conference programme
- Leaving no one behind: tackling discrimination (15:30, 5 July) CREID partner, Syed Ali Abbas, Hive.
- Protecting cultural and religious heritage (14:00, 6 July) CREID Director, Professor Mariz Tadros.
Watch the lives conference sessions (registration link).
Why Does Gender Matter conference, part of the Preventing Violence, Promoting FoRB event programme, 6th July
We will be hosting a stall at this Conference where you can collect copies of our latest papers, and also get a chance to meet us!
Please register here.